just another quarter life crisis
ive spent my morning at the ualr website, swallowing my pride and researching a MALS degree.
a MA in Liberal Studies is the perfect degree for me.
see i dont know what i want to be when i grow up.
people have asked me this questions my entire life. and except for a brief period in kindergarten when i wanted to be a tollbooth operator, ive had good answers.
when i was in junior high i was going to duke- cause daddy went there- and i was going to be a lawyer. when i was in high school i was going to furman to study music and become the first broadway lead over 6 feet tall.
God has a great sense of humor.
i was called to ouachita, in the middle of nowhere, and started various degrees... english, polisci...
and finally settled on history and education. so i teach. that what you do with those degrees.
but every couple of months i play the "what if?" game.
what if i did something else?
i enjoy teaching. but im not sure if its what ive been called to do. and that one little word can trip up the best of intentions.
ive always been jealous of people who say "i knew at 15 i was called to china to preach at the orphanage." when i was 15 my main goal was to avoid being grounded, again. i covet those specific callings to teach, to preach, even the ones to fix leaky sinks. people who know what they are suppose to do and do it are fascinating to me.
my dad's like that. he is suppose to be a doc and he's good at it and he enjoys it and on those good days everything just seems like it fits together.
im not there yet. and something tells me i might never be there. im too flaky to ever settle somewhere for long- a rambler i suppose.
so im researching a buffet style degree in a city i never thought i would be in
and praying for lightnin'.
a MA in Liberal Studies is the perfect degree for me.
see i dont know what i want to be when i grow up.
people have asked me this questions my entire life. and except for a brief period in kindergarten when i wanted to be a tollbooth operator, ive had good answers.
when i was in junior high i was going to duke- cause daddy went there- and i was going to be a lawyer. when i was in high school i was going to furman to study music and become the first broadway lead over 6 feet tall.
God has a great sense of humor.
i was called to ouachita, in the middle of nowhere, and started various degrees... english, polisci...
and finally settled on history and education. so i teach. that what you do with those degrees.
but every couple of months i play the "what if?" game.
what if i did something else?
i enjoy teaching. but im not sure if its what ive been called to do. and that one little word can trip up the best of intentions.
ive always been jealous of people who say "i knew at 15 i was called to china to preach at the orphanage." when i was 15 my main goal was to avoid being grounded, again. i covet those specific callings to teach, to preach, even the ones to fix leaky sinks. people who know what they are suppose to do and do it are fascinating to me.
my dad's like that. he is suppose to be a doc and he's good at it and he enjoys it and on those good days everything just seems like it fits together.
im not there yet. and something tells me i might never be there. im too flaky to ever settle somewhere for long- a rambler i suppose.
so im researching a buffet style degree in a city i never thought i would be in
and praying for lightnin'.
At 9:17 AM,
Rebecca (Sam's wife) said…
Good Luck, Lani. You'll figure it out, but sometimes I don't think we are supposed to. Just continue to "know and follow hard after the Lord". In the long run, that is all that really matters isn't it?! Let Him figure them out for you...
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
You wanted to go to law school at Duke because Kimo went there. I wanted to go to law school at Michigan State because their law school looks like a castle. A CASTLE, LANI!! A CASTLE!!
So you know, I fully support your right to ramble. You're 23. Ramble up a muck. Ramble like it's 1999. Ramble what your momma gave you.
Hey, I feel "called" to get salty snacks and dishwasher soap at Kroger tonight. What'd ya say?
At 1:25 PM,
kaelum said…
you would have ended up on some cheesy accident lawyer commerical with a castle in the background- saving "fair knights and maidens" from the cruelty of insurance companies.
by the way- how do you feel about GWAR?
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all, I think it's knights and fair maidens. "Fair knights" presents a whole 'nother mental picture--involving junior proms, interestingly enough.
GWAR as in I'm in Love With a Dead Dog/America Must Be Destroyed GWAR? Right up there with John Piper.
Escape from the Mooselodge has redeeming qualities though. "I'll turn in my card at the Moose Lodge, but first let me settle my account at Blockbuster."
At 2:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh, Lani, my Lani. i think those few people that are "called" and actually know what they are supposed to do with their life have in all actuallity received a small hearing aid in the mail from God. Or maybe it is some sort of deciphering tool. Sometimes I can hear the small, still voice, but I really just can't get a handle on what in the world it is saying. Maybe now is the time to explore the what-ifs. It's time for a grand adventure. A road trip. Kareoke (sorry, spelling is not my strong suit) on stage in Nashville, some research into old court cases to scratch the long dormant lawyer itch. Or maybe just some activity to excelerate the somewhat dormant existance of your brain cells. Although, teaching Latin to 3rd graders seems to be a grand adventure in itself. By the way, I was never here.
At 9:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I found this and thought of you...
At 9:43 AM,
kaelum said…
thanks i needed that
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