2 more days till im 24
my Lenten reading list is shaping up quite nicely. thanks to everyone who suggested books to read. please feel free to continue suggesting. i have 40 days without tv and i plan to fit in lots of words.
im looking forward to reading bonhoeffer. i havent before & i kinda feel culturally illiterate because of this deficiency.
im hearing d.a. carson preach this weekend.

just the title makes me happy. its gotten good reviews. i think it might actually explain where i fit in-politically at least.
because you should always reread the classics.
because im a history major. plus i got an autographed copy for christmas. plus i have a soft spot for the war.

written by one of the guys from the simply way. the simply way is an christian intentional community. these always sound so good on the days where im burnt out on suburbia.

because it will always be my favorite. i havent decided whether im reading my old copy that is highlighted according to year and all marked up or a newer copy so i get fresh impressions.

im hearing d.a. carson preach this weekend.

written by one of the guys from the simply way. the simply way is an christian intentional community. these always sound so good on the days where im burnt out on suburbia.

because it will always be my favorite. i havent decided whether im reading my old copy that is highlighted according to year and all marked up or a newer copy so i get fresh impressions.
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have an "If I ever take a month off life I should read these books" list; Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places is at the top of my list, but you already have that one, so here are some other suggestions:
1) The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
2) Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky
3) Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger by Ron Sider
4) Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
5) Taming A Liger: Unexpected Spiritual Lessons From Napoleon Dynamite by Jeff Dunn and Adam Palmer (I'm SO kidding about this one, but it's a real book!)
P.S. Oh, and per our conversation last night: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/links/lists/20LucasCox.html
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happiest of all the happy birthdays ever to you, roomie! To who? To you! May the glaucoma fairies be generous with you this year. Look, a pouch!
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