hey, Boo

its not the best line in any novel.
its probably not the best line ive read today.
but somehow it has always resonated with me. i can recall sitting in eighth grade english, thinking superior thoughts and brooding about whatever was trendy to brood about, and this line bringing tears to my 13 year old cynical eyes.
im not sure if im more or less cyncial than i was 10 years ago. but yesterday i read the last few chapters of harper lee's swan song and there were tears. or at least something that was trying to develop into tears.
it makes me want to put away blogs and teaching and cable and whatever else sucks away my time- and just read. and then maybe one day when ive absorbed so much that theres not room for much more than a william carlos williams poem- ill have something to say. and ill put pen to paper. and ill have a swan song that would make miss lee green with envy.
"I willed myself to stay awake, but the rain was so soft and the room was so warm and his voice was so deep and his knee was so snug that I slept."
At 8:03 AM,
kaelum said…
its so reassuring to know that i wasnt misread.
and of course im cynical. im clinging to a school that other more experienced :read-more marketable: teachers are abandoning like its the titanic II. no worries though, im practicing the mating call of history majors "would you like fries with that?"
At 12:20 AM,
Dawn Coates said…
No way - I can't believe that phrase actually goes through someone else's mind other than my own. While the book is not what I think of, the black and white movie is - a reminder of a simpler time. I also remember at the end when Scout says, "...and he would be there when Jem WAKED up in the morning." Is that proper usage? I've always wanted to know.
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