with regards to mr. kholi

i have found meaning and direction during this chaotic time. i have had a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad week (apologies to alexander). i have been told my job is in jeopardy,a praxis III observation and various other inconviences.
but there was one bright star in this dim dim week.
bride and prejudice.
rent it tonight. as soon as this undiscovered masterpiece is seen for what it truly is ( an intelligent commentary on all aspects of life accompanied by brillant musical numbers), it will be flying off of blockbusters shelves.
the curly-headed roomie & I watched in this weekend. once all the way through and twice just hitting the high points- namely the bollywood musical numbers.
Bollywood is the informal name given to the popular Mumbai-based film industry in India.
The name is a conflation of Bombay, the old name of Mumbai, and Hollywood, the center of the United States film industry. Though some purists deplore the name (they say it makes the industry look like a poor cousin to Hollywood), it seems likely to persist and now has its own entry in the Oxford English Dictionary.
and now we have gained new knowledge and insight on many issues; the appropriateness of sequins, qualifications for matrimony, the misunderstood wisdom of gloria estefan, why ashanti would be in india, and the answer to the age old question "can you screw in a light bulb and pat the dog at the same time?"
this is truly one of the simple pleasures in life.
Lonely Mr. Kholi from Las Angeles
Came to Punjab on one bent knee
He had a green card, new
house, big cash
So made a wish with every fallen lash
For you to do the journey with him
To smile when he got home ask how his day had been
He wants you by his side in joy and strife
Poor Mr. Kholi he has no life without wife.
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah yeah
I don’t want a man who ties me down
Does what he wants while I hang around
I don’t want a man who’s crude and loud
Wants a pretty wife to make him proud
I don’t wanna man who can’t be funny
Who tells tall tales about making money
At 12:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
And the DANCING! Oh, the priceless, priceless dancing!
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