crayola lovin'

i hate it when people randomly come into my classroom.
i always feel like an idiot.
i often feel a violent urge to explain myself, my eccentricities.
today my principal brought in random unannounced visitors. wealthy looking people wearing big hats. i assume they are looking for an example of the wonderful education we provide. my principal is hoping they will be so impressed that they will feel compelled to share their wealth with the school.
in theory this is very good. if they write a fat check to the school i have a better chance of receiving my paycheck. if i receive a paycheck the school has a better chance of me showing up and being educational. win-win for everyone!
however, i am never at my best when wealthy randon unannounced visitors with big hats and bigger checkbooks come to school. today was just another typical example.
i had just reviewed. explained a very creative project that would drive the alternative assessment people crazy with joy. the kids asked good questions. i gave brilliant examples.
then the visitors walked in. right in the middle of "be nice to the art supplies, love on the art supplies. if the art supplies arent feeling the love theyll run away."
genius! send your checks! send your kids! we remind everyone that crayons need love too.
At 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
just last night the ever insightful crayon question was asked: if you could be any color, which would you be? i've always seen myself as a blue-violet.
At 12:36 PM,
kaelum said…
blue-violet? huh?
i would be tangerine, or maybe silver, or brown. or maybe one of those crayons with crazy colors that you can buy at the organic store that always looked so cool but didnt write so well. yeah, that is definitely what i would be.
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