there was snow on my car this morning.but im still at work.
Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance,
and there is only the dance.
T.S. Eliot
last night my roomie & talked while watching the weather on mute. i like snow days. but i think its like Christmas-where the advent is actually more impactful (R, is this a word?). the night before a snow day is full of intense possibilities, no matter the disappointments the morning might bring.
(side note: i am at school. there is no snow day. i had morning duty. It was 32 degrees. zach got to go to school 2 hours late. but no... im not bitter.)
anyway. last night was good conversation. it reminded me that God always has a purpose. and the curly-headed roomie is so gracious to me and so good for me. whenever i think im floating by myself she reminds me that my story is nothing new in the history of humanity & God has carefully mapped my steps. this is good. she is good for me. i will never question my time in little rock, because it was worth it for our friendship.
three questions which were raised last night. any input or reading lists, etc. is appreciated. these questions are things im mulling over, attempting to give them the time, prayer & thought they demand.
What is the church?
What is the purpose of the church?
What is my purpose in the church?
my dad says that things have more urgency at 23 than 53. he ponders the same things i do, but with a perspective filled with 53 years of knowledge & experience of Providence. his birthday was december 6th. he is still thinking, loving & trusting. i adore him.
im not sure what church is supposed to look like. im not sure what my role in the church ought to be. i am sure that He sees my questioning, hears my prayers & knows my heart. and that is the reassurance i need to make it today.
There would be no dance,
and there is only the dance.
T.S. Eliot
last night my roomie & talked while watching the weather on mute. i like snow days. but i think its like Christmas-where the advent is actually more impactful (R, is this a word?). the night before a snow day is full of intense possibilities, no matter the disappointments the morning might bring.
(side note: i am at school. there is no snow day. i had morning duty. It was 32 degrees. zach got to go to school 2 hours late. but no... im not bitter.)
anyway. last night was good conversation. it reminded me that God always has a purpose. and the curly-headed roomie is so gracious to me and so good for me. whenever i think im floating by myself she reminds me that my story is nothing new in the history of humanity & God has carefully mapped my steps. this is good. she is good for me. i will never question my time in little rock, because it was worth it for our friendship.
three questions which were raised last night. any input or reading lists, etc. is appreciated. these questions are things im mulling over, attempting to give them the time, prayer & thought they demand.
What is the church?
What is the purpose of the church?
What is my purpose in the church?
my dad says that things have more urgency at 23 than 53. he ponders the same things i do, but with a perspective filled with 53 years of knowledge & experience of Providence. his birthday was december 6th. he is still thinking, loving & trusting. i adore him.
im not sure what church is supposed to look like. im not sure what my role in the church ought to be. i am sure that He sees my questioning, hears my prayers & knows my heart. and that is the reassurance i need to make it today.
At 8:51 AM,
Dawn Coates said…
I'm at work too, Lani. I feel your pain, but enjoyed the snow on my drive in while listening to a Christmas CD. Now it seems official. I, too, have been considering things similar to your three questions. When I begin to think in such manner, I will remember to pray for you as well.
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Going strong 'til August 2007!
Main Entry: impactful
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: having a great impact or effect
(a la
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