pali ke kua mahina ke alo

My letters! all dead paper, mute and white! And yet they seem alive and quivering Against my tremulous hands which loose the string And let them drop down on my knee to-night.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Lenten Reading List: Update 1

1) "The Irrestible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical" by Shane Clairborne
This book was very convicting. I don't think that Shane's lifestyle is the only option for Christians, but I think the lifestyle most of us lead is not so much of an option at all. Shane talks about shunning both the prosperity and the poverty gospels. He advocates a gospel of abundence. His community is very socialistic- there is not much need for money if all share. I'm not sure about everything he advocates. But I see a need for strong convictions that alter the way we live. What is the difference between the way I live and the way my wholesome suburban non-christian neighbors live?

2) "Crunchy Cons" by Rod Dreher
I LOVE THIS BOOK! It completely fits with Clairborne's book. What would my life look like (the little everyday things) if I lived the principles I believe (or claim to believe)? Dreher covers some basic movements that I think will be worth checking out.
-Slow Food (local produce, local cuisine, no mass produced food)
- Dominionism (our responsibility to take care of creation)
- Homeschooling (not just to shield kids from sex ed. but to really take the time to teach your kids what you believe and consider important)
- orthodoxy (Dreher discusses a generation that wants a religion that requires sacrifice)
- arts & craft house (authentic beauty in everyday things; anti-suburban mass produced homes)
- and anti-consumerism in general

3) "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" by John Berendt
A narrative of the author's experiences in Savannah. His characters are amazing and his detailed picture of this eccentric southern town makes me want to move. There's a movie out. I want to find it for this weekend.


  • At 8:07 AM, Blogger desiree said…

    "crunchy cons" sounds awesome! i can't wait to read it! i'm totally with you on the whole slow-foods and arts and crafts movement- how funny!


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